Uniquely Maldivian


The Company

Kulhema is a family business and was founded in 2021 in Male’ by ocean enthusiast Hussen Abdulla. The idea to start the company emerged in 2020. We developed our first product during the world-wide Covid lockdown as a family project to use the time meaningfully and create something fun. The amazing response to our first game made us expand our range from 1 to 6 products within the first year!

Our Mission

Kulhema makes fun and educational books & games for children and adults. Our items are very innovative and unique. We teach while we entertain the player/reader by providing information that they would not get otherwise. All of our products are interactive and great for local families and those visiting our beautiful country or wanting to learn more about the Maldives.


All of our items are inspired by Maldivian wildlife, culture, geography and language. Furthermore, children constantly inspire us to develop new books and games to accommodate all of their questions and ideas! We do things differently! We let the kids show us the way and see the world through their eyes!



Our products are made from recycled materials and we do our best to minimize our environmental impact. We design our items in a way to avoid unnecessary waste of resources and plastic packaging whenever possible.

Education is Key

Kulhema is more than just a business. We want to engage especially the young generation of Maldivians to educate about the precious local eco-system and culture. We believe that by educating children about nature, it will make them more aware and protective of their surrounding. Every child should be proud to be Maldivian and know about the amazing wildlife and other aspects this amazing country has to offer.

Retail, Wholesale & Customization

We sell our products at local shops all over the Maldives.

If you would like to become a reseller or distributor and sell our products at amazing profit margins, please contact us!


"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever .


Jacques Cousteau